Sunday 27 September 2009


Although you've been travelling together for one year, there are many things, I am sure, you do not know about one another. Introduce yourself to your colleagues and future guests, your strong points and likes, why you are here studying economics and what your future plans are. Wishing you all a successful year and proper words for the first assignment this year!

INSTRUCTIONS - Welcome to the blogosphere

Welcome to our class blog!
Starting this year we will work together in a new digital medium. Tbis blog will be my link with you. Here you will find instructions about what you are supposed to do, links to exercises, assignments on which you are supposed to post comments, challenges, competitions, certificates for he best blog poster, etc.
In order to post comments you need to create your own Google account (if you don't have one already).
When you sign your comments it is recomended that you use only your first name and the initial of your last name (for safety reasons). In class we will discuss about your name id so that I could follow your comments.
If you have doubts about the correctness of your contributions, please email me (I can only speak English!!) or ask a friend/colleague to help. The comments should not be long, but try to be as original and creative, challenging and imaginative as possible when you respond to posts. Do not only respond to the teacher's post: read and comment on your colleagues' opinions as well. A blog is a conversation, so keep it going!
We will have guests from abroad, students from similar fields as yours.
Revisit certain tasks as you may have to answer certain questions that other visitors might have addressed you.
Everyone in the world can see what you have written, so keep an eye on correctness!

Everyone in the world can see what you have written, so keep an eye on correctness! Evaluation will be based on quality rather than quantity.
Wishing you a warm welcome to your first English class without walls!